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Description of Situation
The 27-year-old Canadian-born Hong Kong singer and actor, Edison Chen’s photo scandal occurred in Jan. 2008. This scandal was issued not only in Hong Kong, but also around the world and aftermaths of this are still reporting around the world. Lots of photographs and self-made videos by Chen with female celebrities was illegally distributed and circulated through the Internet rapidly.
As police said, the photographs and movies which were taken by Chen from 2003 to 2006 were initially stored in his laptop and he sent his laptop for repairs to a repair shop. More than 1300 intimate photographs of Chen with female celebrities were copied by the employees and distributed through the Internet.
This sex scandal involved leading actress Cecilia Cheung (“One Nite in Mongkok,” “The Promise,”) TV presenter Bobo Chan, singer-actress Gillian Chung (“Twins Effect,” “Mei Lan Fang”,) Candice Chan, Mandy Chen, Rachel Ngan, Edison’s girlfriend and niece of Albert Yeung (Chairman of EEG) Vincy Yeung, Maggie Q (“Mission, Impossible 3,” “Live Free or die Hard”,) pop singer Joey Yung, Elva Hsiao, Jolin Tsai, Nikki Chow, Rain Li and Rosanne Wong and more.
“Despite enlisting the assistance of Interpol, the Hong Kong police have not been able to stem the spread of the photographs. As of 12 February 2008, ten people were arrested in connection with the distribution of the photographs. The police crackdown has instead raised questions over violations of the privacy and free speech rights of Internet users. The manner in which actors, their management, and the police have handled the situation has, in turn, made those arrested into heroes and martyrs for some netizens.” (
After this sex photo scandal, Edison Chen had run away to U.S. As this scandal had issued more widely, he had come back to Hong Kongto “account for himself and to apologize to those involved in or effected by the scandal.” At a press conference, he said that “these photos were very private and have not been shown to people and were never intended to be shown to anyone,” and “I would like to apologize to all the ladies involved in the scandal and their families for all their sufferings. I am sorry.” Chen also said at the press conference that he will step way from Hong Kong Entertainment industry “indefinitely” and “I have failed as a role model. However I hope that this matter will teach everyone a lesson.”
l The Mainstream News Coverage
For the Eastern news coverage, I found the articles related to Edison Chen’s scandal from ‘Xinhua News,’ ‘Record China’ of China, ‘Hankook Daily,’ ‘Newsen,’ ‘Sports Seoul,’ ‘Joins’ of South Korea, ‘Variety Asia Online’ of Hong Kong, ‘Asian One’ of Singapore and ‘Taipei Times’ of Taiwan. In addition, for the Western news coverage, I found articles in ‘BBC,’ ‘Guardian,’ ‘Reuters’ of United Kingdom, ‘CNN,’ and ‘Msnbc’ of the U.S., and ‘Canadian Press’ of Canada.
In Eastern news coverage, I could find lots of articles related to Edison Chen’s sex scandal from the emergence to the aftermaths of the scandal. The news around the beginning of February heavily reported the outflows of Asian female celebrities’ sex photographs and videos focused on the police investigation about the outflows. When he held the press conference, they dealt with the interview of Chen in depth in terms of his retirement from Hong Kong entertainment industry. However, most news is about the aftermaths of this big scandal. They turn their eyes to scapegoats, the female celebrities who were shown in the sex photographs and videos taken by Chen. Everyday, newly reported news about the related female celebrities popped up not only on on-line presses, but also on off-line presses. From their marital breakups to the revocations of their contracts with the commercial and entertainment companies, their lives as celebrities are stroked due to this scandal and they are standing on the edge of their lives.
In compassion, they deal with Edison Chen’s sex scandal lightly in Western news coverage contrasted with the Eastern presses. Most of them just tried to convey the general information about Chen’s scandal based on his press conference. They mainly talked about his indefinite retirement from Hong Kong entertainment industry and I could not find the articles about the aftereffects of the scandal, which should be more important issues than the scandal itself. As I think, this could not be big issue in the Western culture.
l Blog Coverage
I looked for blogs in ‘Naver’ of South Korea, “Shaghaiist” of China and “Japan Probe” of Japan as the Eastern blog coverage and ‘WordPress,’ ‘Msnbc’ of the U.S., ‘Bloger’ and “The Blemish”, “Global Voices” of the other Western for the Western blog coverage.
In the Eastern blogs, most focused on the aftermaths of the scandal to victims, the female celebrities and some talked about his future career or what he is going to do. Even though most are unfavorable to Chen, there was a favorable blog I found. In the blog, she said as a fan of Chen that this could be the chance for Chen to invest to himself and wishes that he can overcome this severe hardship, whereas the unfavorable said that his apologies are too late and he need to be more responsible for this scandal without just stepping away from Hong Kong.
Most of the Western blogs are also unfavorable to Edison Chen, but there is not much information about aftermaths of this scandal because, as I think, the mainstream news coverage didn’t report much about this scandal in detail and then the Westerner could not expose to the scandal as much as the Easterner. However, like the Eastern blogs, although most of them also were not favorable to Chen, a bloger with a favorable attitude to Chen said that this can be a chance for him to restart his carrier in Hollywood.
In terms of posted photos, the most Eastern blogs were so suggestive and unfavorable to Edison Chen unlike the Western blogs which posted usual photos of Chen. In detail, the Eastern used to attach Chen’s pornography with the female celebrity in order to show how serious the scandal was. Whereas, the Western blogs used to refer his photos from the press conference.
l Compare and contrast between the Western Culture and the Eastern Culture
- Whereas Chen’s scandal was largely issued in the Eastern culture, it was not in the Western culture. There could be some reasons for this. First, Edison Chen and the related female celebrities are not much famous in the Western, but in Eastern. Second, the Eastern culture is more conservative for the sexual problem compared to the Western. So, it is enough to gather the attention from people in the Eastern.
- In terms of the reaction, there were not many reactions of the Western people about this scandal, while the aftereffects still exist around the Eastern society. This could be affected by the cultural difference in the mind for sexual problem. Actually, the Eastern societies are much more conservative in sexual issues than the Western Society. And this kind of sexual issues does not happen frequently in the Eastern society. So the Easterner is respondent to this scandal more than the Westerner.
- While the Eastern cultural societies reported the details about the victims of Chen’s scandal, the female celebrities, the Western just mentioned little about them. In my opinion, the reason might be due to the victimized female stars. Actually, the fans of Chen and the female stars are largely ranged over the Eastern cultural societies, not many in the Western countries. And the presses could not ignore the huge fans of the victimized female celebrities who struggle to know how the celebrities’ situations are changed.
l Conclusion
Even though Edison Chen has announced at the press conference that he would “indefinitely” step away from Hong Kong entertainment industry, the word, “indefinitely” left an ambiguous meaning. This could be understood that he would come back to Hong Kong entertainment industry if he wants or this scandal would be disposed in the future. He made a pretext for comeback to Hong Kong by mentioning “indefinitely.” Furthermore, the more ridiculous things are that he has signed a contract with ‘William Morris Agency (WMA)’ right after the press conference and he intimated his intention to appear in the movie, “Batman Begins3.”
However, he would be better to practice self-discipline for a long time by just sitting down and managing his company, ‘Clot Media Division Limited’. The related female celebrities and others are in serious troubles with everything around them. Some of them are getting closed to the end of their life in entertainment industries due to the scandal. Some broke up with their husbands or fiancés, others lost their opportunities for maintaining their careers, some entertainment programs and movies were canceled and lots of new secondary effects of the scandal are still being reported in the world news.
He needs to have more responsibilities for the scandal. It could not be solved by just running far away from this scandal. The aftereffects still exist around him. Most of his fans are not ranged over the U.S., but around Asian nations. He is still young. So, what he need is not the short sight like just entering the Hollywood market. He needs to look far out for his future for the world market.